Friday 1 May 2009

Mentor and Essay

Well I have contacted my mentor and we are meeting for the first time next Wednesday. I hope to grab a couple of hours this weekend to get my LLM files in order and have an idea of how my previous training and experience could count. beyond that I will just take the meeting as it comes.

other good news is that Rachel had a nice long nap today (sleeping off side effects from her immunisations) and I managed to finish my last essay for the counselling course. of course I will tweak it in the coming weeks but it is down on paper, referenced, formatted and within word limit so if worse comes to the worst it could be submitted.

I have just realised that although I was hoping to keep the blog LLM focussed it is already drifting into other realms of my life. I would beat myself up about that but I think it actually makes sense because being an LLM is meant to be a role that goes alongside the rest of our life; anyone else like my rationalisation?

For those of you who don't know about it, there is a weekly electronic Diocese of Oxford Newsletter online here, you can get it emailed to you every week if you don't want to miss it.

And last word for today....happy may day.

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