Thursday 2 December 2010

Day 4 - Thursday 2nd december

Day four - Thursday 2nd December 2010
8.00 reading and homework with Rachel
8.30 school run
9.00 morning prayer
10.00 initial planning session on Christmas assemblies for local schools
12.00 lunch
1.00 run self esteem club at local school
3.30 school run
3.45 Rachel and mummy time
5.30 dinner
6.30 mission course
10.00 zonk out!

It's zonk out time and boy am I exhausted through and through, but I committed to blog each day so here I am.  

It's been a pretty continuous day starting with all the excitement of snow and the debate over whether school would open or not.  Then was the slippery walk to school and back - I have a long standing fear of walking on ice, well its more about the falling but you get my point.

I did however manage to get to morning prayer (once car was defrosted and driven very slowly), spend half an hour helping a bereaved lady at church and check Sundays liturgy.  It was then a hop, skip and slip to the vicarage for a meeting to plan the key stage1 and key stage2 Christmas assemblies for our most local school.  It's amazing how 3 minds in discussion, prayer and debate can so quickly produce such good results. After 90minutes we had 2 assemblies planned, sections allocated, productions allocated and further actions sorted.  O even managed to cone away with ONLY my third of the actions - result!

I quickly popped home, made lunch for mike and I (he was snow working at home) and then shot back out to slip and drive to the school where the youth leader at another church and I run a self esteem club.  This is a ministry I love, pure mission for the community.  We see 4 children (selected by their teachers) from each of years 3, 4, 5 and 6 for 30 minutes per year group each week.  We talk about emotions, strengths, dream lives, worries and allow the children to have some time just for themselves.  The kids love it, rave about it and look forward to it; its such an honour and loads of fun too!

We finished promptly today and I thought I'd be back hone in time for school run, but an incident between a bus and a car had me in a traffic Jan.  Luckily mike was at home so he went and got Rachel - which she loved.  She didn't so much like being told to "amuse yourself till mummy gets gone" but dived into Charlie and the chocolate factory to pass the time.

And so I got home and Rachel and I got our time together.  We made some shrinkies as Christmas presents and chatted about the school play and watched Blue Peter together - perfect!

After a very rushed dinner I headed back out the door for my last ever course for Llm training.  I didn't know whether it would be on but it was and it was great; a summary of adult discipleship courses and an interesting discussion on how we explain salvation to seekers.  I have to say I feel very weird knowing there's no more courses, there aren't any llms near me so I'm not going to see any unless I can arrange a social.

And now I've finally got home and I'm more than ready for bed.  So I'll leave with a night night.

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