Monday 21 February 2011

Middle east prayers

I was reading The Guardian today and focussing on the news in the
Middle east here. I have been shocked by the unrest in the middle east, glued to the tv news (BBC news is my preference) since things started getting 'exciting' in Egypt. I was thrilled to see the influence of the people bringing about change on the streets of Cairo and felt fear of unrest change to hope for a free future. And then the change inspired others around the middle east to demand their own changes. But of course this involves each country experiencing their own demonstrations with possible violence, injury and loss of life. And so we now see Bahrain, Tehran, Libya and Yemen all suffering instability. I hope and pray that personal freedoms are achieved, that change for the best is brought about, that loss of life is avoided.

But that's not really what this post is focussed on.
I have heard a number of people in real life, bloggers and church leaders I follow online voice the possibility that this unrest is the bringing about of the biblical prophecy of destruction of non believers. I am shocked and dismayed by this proposition, the idea that retribution is being enacted by God. I am worried on a number of levels:
1- God is a God of love, of forgiveness, of tolerance; I cannot believe He is not grieving loss of life along with us all
2- the proposition is exclusive; suggesting that the Islamic faith (which dominate this country) is against the will of God
3- the possibility discussed is divisive; possibly causing further rifts between the christian and Muslim communities in the middle east and world wide. At this time especially we need to focus on how we can all live in harmony together, as faiths different but respective and tolerant of each other.

So I pray; that peace and progressive freedom is achieved in the middle east; that Christians and Muslims can continue living together and develop the success of their relationships alongside each other; and that any mention of Gods retribution in that area be eliminated, instead allowing us to focus on God's love for us all.

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