Friday 2 September 2011

Strapped in and ready to go...

My ministry that is!

On Monday afternoon our new weekly toddler service for the community Noah's Ark @St Nics kicks off.

Two weeks on Sunday our new monthly service for the young and young at heart People, Prayers and Potatoes will be opened for the first time.

Three weeks on Monday the new monthly Berkshire Babyloss Support Group will be open for anyone to attend.

Three exciting new undertakings, three ideas provided by God, three new missional activities for the community, three new responsibilities for me.

I'm excited, but also very apprehensive; it's been a long time since I've held so much responsibility; and the nerves are because it's making this ministry malarkey very real.

In just two months I'll be licensed as a lay minister; two months! Where have the last two years gone?

It's going to be an exciting few months ahead with my ministry in action, my licensing and all; so climb on board and hold on tight because my blog's going every step with me.

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