
Tuesday 12 April 2011

Mothers Union

I have been debating with myself for some time about whether or not to join the Mothers Union. I often read their website and I think the work the organisation does is fantastic including:

With 4 million members working in 81 countries, Mothers' Union is passionate about caring for families all around the world.

Our work is threefold;

Programmes: a diverse range of programme meets the needs of people within local communities - from entrepreneur training, health education, parenting and relationship education provision, to teddies for children experiencing stress or trauma - our programmes are designed to meet the needs of people at the local level.
Internationally, nationally and at the local level, our policy work challenges root causes of injustice and works for better conditions in society for children and families.
All of our work is underpinned by the Christian faith of our members
- a challenge to 'love mercy, seek justice and walk humbly with our God.' Micah 6:8.

Our church branch, although full of wonderful women, is in the older side and I am at least 25 years younger than the current youngest member. And this left me feeling a little unsure whether I would fit in.

But today I went to the meeting for the first time, to ask for volunteers for our new toddler service, and was welcomed openly and enjoyed the fellowship. So I made the decision to join; no reason not to, lots of reasons to do so.

I will join officially next month at their service in church and hope to get fully involved; exciting times.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you.

    When God called me to Mothers' Union (literally, by phone) it was because of the great work the millions of members do globally to make a difference to families in their local communities. Family, and marriage, is such incredibly important treasure that being part of an organisation that says that loud and clear (like through their Bye Buy Childhood campaign) seemed totally the right thing to do.

    Yes, many members are from a different generation to ours. Yes, there name gives us problems in the UK - but total respect in the rest of the world. Yes, at times I've felt a bit lonely, but you will be surprised to find out just how many 'young mums' out there in the churches of the land are either Mothers' Union members or very supportive of it's work.

    Let us know when you're going to be enrolled Em, and remember there's more of us than you think - and I'm only 20 minutes away (if in a different diocese!)

    And be careful - Mothers' Union changed my life for ever


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