
Saturday 28 July 2012

Jiving, Jesting and Joking with James and the Junior Jewels

Did you see the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony last night? What a show!

I have to admit to Jesting and doubting about what would be achieved. But I am more than happy to eat my words and really pleased I never put them into print.

Danny Boyle you are still the superstar I rated you as when I first saw your film Trainspotting. You are a Jewel in the British crown. What a show. The history, the memories, the social commentary, the music, the dance, the atmosphere, the flame cauldron from petals. I could not be more proud to be British or more impressed with what was achieved.

We all adored the joking about. Rachel laughed out loud at Mr Bean; and we enjoyed the fact that she didn't realise it was a character being acted out. Mike loved the scenes with James Bond and who wouldn't be blown away by the Queen and her jesting in that sketch.

I couldn't help myself jiving along to the music of my life; from the sixties music my parents played, to the seventies I remembered, the eighties I loved, the nineties I enjoyed with Mike and through to the music we experience with Rachel's fresh ears. I even enjoyed Macca, but then I sang loud enough not to hear his bum notes.

I was thrilled to see Steve Redgrave being the torch into the stadium and had tears in my eyes as the junior athletes took it to the cauldron. What an ending to a world class show.

Jenny Matlock


  1. I am glued to the Olympics! I am watching the cycling as I write! The opening show was a great showcase of their country! Very nicely done!
    Enjoy the weekend and thnaks for the share!

  2. Danny Boyle is definitely one talented guy. Loved Trainspotting and Slumdog... Where would we be without Mr. Bean? I thoroughly enjoyed the opening ceremonies and love that he didn't try to outdo Beijing but instead created something that was uniquely his and wonderful in its own way.

    Great post. Have a great week!

  3. Alas, I missed the Opening Ceremony! But I've enjoyed watching the events so far. I do love the Olympics.

  4. The Olympics are an incredible experience...

    The athletes are amazing...

    Great Job on the letter "J"...

    Thanks for linking!



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