
Friday, 8 February 2013


Might as well flea
Where viruses go
They won't come near
To have a vaccination

I have Immunity
You can't touch me
All those little viruses
Might as well flea

        I wouldn't be so sure
       You never really know
       Whether you're protected
       Where viruses go

Don't be so dramatic
I've nothing to fear
I am super healthy
They won't come near

       Ok, if you say so
       But I'll take inoculation
       Much safer by far
       To have a vaccination


This poem is:

1. Written to highlight the need for vaccinations for everyone; the photo is a world relief vaccination clinic funded by Tearfund.

2. A chained poem which is the form provided as part of the real toads mini challenge.

3. Linked up at Sunday scribblings for the prompt "immunity".


  1. I like the way you've used the form here--it works really well to get you idea across, I think. And a very worthy cause, I'm sure. Thank you for participating, Emma.

  2. Better be safe than sorry, have a vaccination ~

    Sorry, but did you mean flee instead of flea ?

  3. A very important message, one that is often overlooked in my country. And I admire your courage in creating a four-line first stanza instead of the three-line one I chose . I feel kinda wimpy in comparison now :D

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. YOURS has a profound message :D
    Yes, better to be safe~
    Well done!

  5. Nicely written and an excellent message.

  6. I'm feeling a bit guilty right now ... no flu shot this year. Actually never!

  7. I must admit I spent the time wondering if the use of "flea" was purposeful...and if it is how that fits in.

    Otherwise, nicely writen, and an important message.

  8. Yes, an important topic and you aced two prompts with one poem. Well done.

  9. Now that is poetry...using your voice for a cause! Great message!!


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