Monday 2 April 2012

#cyblessings 2nd April 2012

We have reached the final week of lent and the final few days of counting our blessings with Christian Aid. This week we focus on work and how people are striving to earn.

Only one in five people in Burundi have more than $1.25 (80p)a day to live on.

Burundi is landlocked between Rowanda the DRC and Tanzania. It is one of the poorest five countries in the world and is constantly affected by the ongoing disputes between Tursi and Hutu tribes. Life is hard in Burundi and most people live through sustenance farming with crops, animals or fishing on Lake Tanganyika but it isn't enough and foreign aid is in constant demand.

The statistic from Christian Aid today tells us that 80% of the population of Burundi survive on LESS THAN 80p a day, or basically nothing.

Could we live on 80p a day? No chance. It wouldn't cover the cost of breakfast let alone housing, heating, other meals or anything.

Christian Aid are asking us to give 50p of your salary or pension is above 80p a day.. Since I earn nothing and don't claim any state benefits I don't have an income, but Mike earns enough to support our family. So yes, I'll happily donate 50p today.

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