
Friday 24 June 2016

How should we respond to the #EURefResults today?

How do I respond
As a minister in the church
On a day like today
When my heart is full of hurt

I pray that calm will come
I know that God is here
But right now in this place
All I feel is fear

When pain is what I know
And concern is in my mind
None of us are alone
But what peace can we find?

I look to the church leaders
And read the prayers they share
But somehow it's not enough
It doesn't take away my cares

I read their public statements
"Political process in place"
But it doesn't stop this hurting
It doesn't help me face to face

Here in this community
Division has occurred
It may not be a war as such
But many are disturbed

And we have to hold that
To comfort and bring hope
I guess that's all that we can do
But how when I am hurt?

And then I finally remember
That this is who God needs
Me just as I am right now
Searching for the peace

Click here for the official statement from the Archbishops


  1. This is just how i feel at the moment. I'm scared about the world my girls are going to grow up in, confused by the older generation who say that they did this to get our country back but it's not the same country as they remember it 50 years old. I HATE the race hate that's going round social media right now. All in all its a scary time i think and you really echo my thoughts in this piece. Love it! #Prose4T

  2. A beautiful, beautiful poem about a subject that has caused so many divides in our country. I hope that everything calms down soon. Thank you so much for linking up to Prose for Thought x


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