Wednesday, 29 August 2012

A baby died; it couldn't be worse

When talking about your loss
Your miscarriage, ectopic or still birth
Being clear is essential to make others know
That "A baby died; it couldn't be worse"

Don't go beating around the bush
To save other people's feelings
Your grief is real, hard and true
Whether old or in it's beginnings

Of course there are those times
When we don't have any energy to share
In that moment just hold on tight
To friends, please don't despair

Together we can make it
Through the dark days and nights
We can lean against each other
And our babies we'll always hold tight

This poem was written as part of the 100 word challenge for grown ups for the prompt .....being clear is essential to .... If you'd like to see the other entries then please visit Julia's Place blog.

If this poem has struck a chord abs you would like support or more information then please look at my other posts on miscarriage, visit Saying Goodbye or the Miscarriage Association or contact me directly or throw a comment. You are not alone.


Susan Mann said...

Hard hitting and honest piece. x

Heather Murphy said...

Very powerful words