Monday 4 May 2009

Tweeting at Church

Through twitter, thanks to @pgw71 and @CynthiaWare, I have discovered that tweeting in church services might become the norm. I know many people will read this with shock and disdain but as far as I'm concerned it can only be a good thing, and here's why.

1 - it brings communities together; those within a specific church, those from different churches and those within and outwith churches. if we can tweet our thoughts, feelings and learnings from inside our churches then it can start to break down the barriers both physically and psychologically.

2 - it might start debate; about sermons, format, impact, music, ways of worship and many things besides. if we are all open about what's going on for us inside our churches then the discussions can start and we can figure out what works and what doesn't. don't get me wrong, this isn't me meaning that we should hear the tweets and change church, no; I think it means we can be more aware of works for each of us individually on any specific subject or day, this can only help us all.

3 - for many people (I'm sure I can't be alone) they remember things which they act on and summarise for others; therefore tweeting sermons and thoughts might mean they have more sustainable impact in our memories.

4 - you can review your tweets after the service and reflect on what you heard and said, keep that worship experience alive longer.

5 - you can't drift off or fall asleep whilst you tweet!

I would love to hear what anyone else thinks about this subject and if you'd like to read more, here's the Time article and the article that led me to it digital sanctuary

I for one will be tempted to tweet in church no matter how many dirty looks I might get from those who think I'm just "messing about on my phone"

Update 14May09
Orlando Sentinel provides an article further looking at tweeting in church. Flocks in for a tweet.


Anonymous said...

It will need a mindset change to maximise Twitter in Church.

'Please switch off your mobile' will need to go, as Cynthia notes. It's simply not viable to require people under 30 to give their undivided and focussed attention for an hour and a half. I've noticed how many of our younger people are constantly being distracted, talking to friends or texting during our services

Surely it is preferable to engage them by getting them to join in via Twitter?

Pam Smith said...

Hmmmm - and what if God wants to say something to you while you're busy tweeting? I'm afraid it sounds like the ultimate outworking of church as a consumer activity to me!

Mind you for all I know everyone is multitasking like made while I lead services in i-church, but the point is that I can't see them doing it!