If you've arrived at this page then either you're exploring or you want to find out more about the books and articles I've written and possibly about those being developed right now. Whichever reason, welcome and thanks for popping by.
I am as shocked as anyone else that I am an author. It is not something that I expected would happen, at least not further than writing text books which was part and parcel of my previous career. It is fantastic but terrifying to use this name "author" and to allow my writings to be available to the wider world. Somehow it's much more than blogging; which I know makes no sense since anyone can read my blog for free, but hey, since when did logic come into emotional reactions?
Below you'll find summaries and links to my books as they're released. If you'd like to know anything else about them then please get in contact. In the meantime; here are my author pages at Amazon and Lulu and GoodReads.
Little Guy: Journey of Hope
E Book available from Wild Goose Publications.
From September 2020 Paperback available from Iona Books or from your local bookshop, just ask for Little Guy.
Visit the Little Guy page on this blog here: https://llmcalling.blogspot.com/p/little-guy.html
Click this book cover for the Lulu paperback version

This book is a guide through the stations of the cross which in twelve steps take the reader through the last day of Jesus' life. The stations of the cross are often followed during Lent, in Holy Week, or on Good Friday. They can be used meditatively, as the basis for prayer, or as part of a lent course.
The text for this book was initially written to lead a group of children and teenagers through Jesus’ last day; but has been used by groups of adults and individuals who have also found it useful.
The book is available in paperback from Lulu
Or on Kindle at Amazon
The book is available on kindle from Amazon.
There are no plans to publish this book in print, but if a demand arises then this might be considered.
Published February 2015.
All proceeds from the book will be donated to Rethink Mental Illness.
Click here to purchase a copy of the book as a paperback
Or purchase a copy for your kindle from amazon.co.uk

Miscarriage and Pastoral Care
I am the co-author, with Rev Tina Hodgett of a Grove Pastoral Care book #141 about Miscarriage.
The purpose of this booklet is to consider how churches can best care for and support those women and their partners who experience a miscarriage. To some extent this specific area of pastoral care will form part of the wider package of support a church offers families in the parish or wider community. It will complement a church’s teaching about sex and sexuality, the theology surrounding conception and childbirth, and its approach to questions of suffering and loss.
We will consider how social changes contribute to the way miscarriage affects couples today; the use of terminology, and what women (and couples) say about their experience of miscarriage. We will reflect theologically on the Scriptures and offer some proposals from systematic theologians which may help pastors supporting those suffering pregnancy loss. Finally we offer practical guidance for pastoral carers, including some liturgical resources.
Future Present
Includes nativity scripts, poems, stories and crafts
Emma is a BIGBible Project #Digidisciple, writing articles on the 1st of each month about "seeking God online".
February 2012 http://bigbible.org.uk/2012/02/seeking-god-online-digidisciple-emmauk74/
Getting Your Kids Through Church
Emma went to a GYKTC event and was blown away by the messages she heard and truths she found. She was subsequently asked to write for the organisation, the article is Not all church kids fit the church mould
Britmums Charity Bloggers
Emma is one of the Britmums Charity Bloggers, writing articles on charity issues and raising the profile of charities and campaigns. She was in at the start at the launch of blogging it forward http://www.britmumsblog.com/2012/02/britmums-charity-round-up/
Netmums Blogger
Emma is part of the Netmums Blogger Network; bloggers who are mums are to be found in this network; it truly is the place to be seen. Find them at http://www.netmums.com/bloggers/
Pinterest for Kids Work Ideas
Emma writes about her experience using Pinterest in her ministry and kids work http://www.britmumsblog.com/2012/02/guest-post-pinterest-my-first-port-of-call-for-kids-work-idea/
What Marriage Means to Me
Emma is our first contributor from the UK, as well as the longest-married so far, at 13 years. She tells us about how each chapter of her marriage has brought new lessons about what marriage really means
Where's the fuel gauge?
Emma brings us a very emotional heart-breaking story of her breastfeeding experience today. Get the tissues ready!! http://thismummyloves.blogspot.com/2011/03/wheres-fuel-gauge-by-emma.html
Too Cool for Skool
Guest post by Emma – Reflection on my school days now I’m a mum at the school gate. Has anything really changed? http://www.littlemummy.com/2011/03/15/too-cool-for-skool/
How Does Depression Look to You?
This article was written in April 2011 and is now being published as part of a book on depression.
We hear from Emma, a full-time mum, part-time volunteer, part-time career advisor and a Licensed Lay Minister. She talks of her lifelong issues with depression and post-natal depression and her words will I am sure strike a chord with many of us. http://nowrigglingoutofwriting.wordpress.com/2011/04/05/how-does-depression-look-to-you-emmas-story/
Our little story of baby signing
This was written in 2012 to add to the Collected experiences of parents' speech and language development.
Over the last year I've been working away on an idea to write christian stories for young children. From my initial thoughts and prayers came Divine Routes. The first five stories all flowed onto paper in a few months in the summer of 2010, but I had no way of illustrating the stories so put them on a back burner. A friend read a few for me and provided some great comments and ideas, thanks JP, but still I was held back from taking them forward.
Then in the first week of 2011 I was pushed into getting the books out in the world. I realised that they could be made digitally accessible on Kindle and would not need, or be able to support, illustrations.
Bingo, all I needed was a front cover which could be adapted to each book. And somehow, God given I know, that made it's way onto paper.
What is Divine Routes?
Divine Routes is a series of short books explaining the Christian faith to pre-school and Key Stage 1 children. The series uses buses and their journeys on their bus routes to convey the biblical messages. The text is perfect for being read aloud and also easy to read for first readers.
God is the Bus Controller in the stories, with Jesus the bus conductor. There are six bus routes; red, yellow, green, blue, orange and purple. These routes are illustrations of some of the routes we may take to know God, to get to the divine. Each route's buses are "us" with a “driver” associated; this is the Holy Spirit.
Why re-write the best stories ever told?
Jesus was a great storyteller, he knew exactly how to explain his message to his listeners. He used imagery which they understood and involved situations they lived. This was the power of his parables, the reality of them. Some people believe that they should never be adapted, that they are perfect as they are; and in many ways I agree, but I also know how hard they are to understand without some historical knowledge. Children, especially boys, find it hard to put themselves back 2000 years to a place, time and society they can't possibly imagine; there is a need to bring the parables and Word of God to them in a way they can connect with and be interested in.
There are many books on the shelves of christian bookshops that are rewrites of Biblical stories for kids, almost anything you could ever want is available, especially if you're a girl. There are animals, children and even vegetables as the characters telling the stories. But the market has a huge great gap for boys; especially for boys who like the excitement and speed of cars, trains and planes. DVDs have been made with cars which are quite popular, but many parents of boys have told me they'd like to find bible story books which they could really connect with. That is why I wrote Divine Routes; that and a major shove from God!
The Books
Jump Aboard the Bus - Book 1 of the Divine Routes Series
Jump Aboard the Bus introduces the characters from the Divine Routes series; this story shows how everyone has their own individual spiritual path to God. Each of us has our own route to take, right for us and watched over by God. This story reminds us that God is watching over us, on the end of the radio in prayer whenever we need Him. It reassures us that we do not drive our route alone; we have the Holy Spirit with us to guide us in our lives. The story also assures us that Jesus has travelled the routes before us. Through Jesus’ life God knows our lives, routes and needs.
The Good Samaritan - Book 2 of the Divine Routes Series
The Good Samaritan tells the story of the red bus Rebecca and what happened when she broke down one day on her route. Her other red bus friends didn't stop to help her and she was afraid, but a bus from another route did stop and surprised Rebecca by helping her. This is a retelling of the story of The Good Samaritan as told by Jesus to a lawyer. Jesus told the story to help the lawyer understand what it means to "love your neighbour". You will find the actual story, a parable, in Luke 10:25-37.
The Lost Sheep - Book 3 of the Divine Routes Series
The Lost Sheep tells the story of an ordinary Tuesday in Divine. The Bus Controller waved all the buses off on their routes and then welcomed them all back in at the end of the day. But something is wrong. There’s one bus missing. Who hasn’t come home? The Bus Controller goes searching for the missing bus. This is the story of the lost sheep as told by Jesus about how we are all important to God. The parable of The Lost Sheep is in two books of the bible. In the gospel of Matthew at Matthew 18:12-14. And in the gospel of Luke at Luke 15:3-7.
The Prodigal Son - Book 4 of the Divine Routes Series
The Prodigal Son tells the story of the bus who doesn’t want to drive his route any more and decides to leave the bus station. The Bus Controller understands but the other buses are upset and angry. After a few days the bus who left the station decides he wants to come back. Will the buses and the Bus Controller accept him back? This is the parable of the Prodigal Son. Jesus told this story to help his disciples understand how God forgives all of us who say we are sorry. The parable shows that even if we leave God and stop talking to Him, God is just waiting to welcome us back. You can find it in your Bible in the Gospel of Luke at Luke 15:11-32.
The Sower - Book 5 of the Divine Routes Series
The Sower tells the story of the day the Bus Controller set a challenge for all the buses to take a group of children on a journey out of town. Some got lost, some ran out of fuel, some got too tired and had to give up. Only six of the buses managed to complete the challenge and win time with the Bus Controller. This is the parable of the Sower. Jesus told this story about a farmer throwing seeds which did not always grow into good plants. The story tells us how it is important that we read our bible, listen to our teachers and pray with Jesus to allow God to tell us how to live. You can find the parable in your Bible in the gospel of Matthew at Matthew 13:1-23.
Children's Bible Stories in English and Bemba
When I was in Zambia in July 2012 visiting The Jubilee Centre in Ndola I wrote ten short bible stories for kids with their then family worker, Meluse Kapatamoyo Masuwa.
The ten stories we wrote whiz through the bible from creation through Noah, Jesus's birth and parable and Easter. Each story is just ten lines long, providing an abridged but accurate version of the bible story in question. The aim of writing the book was to have the stories translated into Bemba (the local Zambian language in Ndola) and produce a book in both English and Bemba. This finally happened in 2014 when Daniel Daka translated the stories for me.
The books are now available for sale at the price of £9.99 in the UK (and it's equivalent elsewhere in the world). Each book sold gifts a second book to an orphan in Zambia and donates £1 to the work of The Jubilee Centre who care for these orphans in Ndola, Zambia.
If you would like a copy then you can email me at emma@stnicolas.org.uk and I will arrange it, or you can click the book cover below to purchase a copy of the book from http://www.lulu.com/shop/emma-major/childrens-bible-stories-in-english-and-bemba/paperback/product-21998920.html
The book is also available on kindle, but the fee arrangement with amazon means that the sales of these kindle versions will not make enough money to send a book to a child; they will however raise £1 per book to send to The Jubilee Centre.
This is my story; this is my song
This book is both my story and my song.
It is the story of my babies who died before they were
it is my song of healing and hope in grief, given as a gift to
We are many in number;
We are never alone.
We are many in number;
We are never alone.
It is
not a diary or an autobiography of my experience; rather it is a
collection of poems and prose which I have written over the years in memory
of my four baby boys and in the journey of grief which I have
travelled. They were written as a form of healing and they are given now in the
hope that they might help the healing of those who read them.
I am a
mum of angels;
All proceeds from the sale of this book will be donated to The Miscarriage Association.
The book was released on Amazon Kindle as an e-book on 27th January 2013.
Following some really positive feedback it was released in paperback on 1st February 2013.
Click this book cover below to be taken to Amazon for more information about the kindle version.
Click this book cover for the Lulu paperback version
Stations of the Cross for All
Places to wait with Jesus; meet with Jesus; and talk with Jesus.This book is a guide through the stations of the cross which in twelve steps take the reader through the last day of Jesus' life. The stations of the cross are often followed during Lent, in Holy Week, or on Good Friday. They can be used meditatively, as the basis for prayer, or as part of a lent course.
The text for this book was initially written to lead a group of children and teenagers through Jesus’ last day; but has been used by groups of adults and individuals who have also found it useful.
The book is available in paperback from Lulu
Or on Kindle at Amazon
We are the Nativity Crowd
This is a thirty verse poem telling to the story of the nativity. It takes the reader from the angel visiting Mary and Joseph, through the journey to Bethlehem, search for a room, birth of Jesus and visits by Shepherds and Wise Men. The poem and book is designed to be broken down into five acts, as performed at St Nicolas Earley on Christmas Eve 2014.The book is available on kindle from Amazon.
There are no plans to publish this book in print, but if a demand arises then this might be considered.
An Alphabet of Mental Health
This book is a selection of twenty seven poems about my personal experiences of living with depression, bi polar, anxiety and eating disorders. Selected from more than one hundred poems written between 2008 and 2014 I brought these together to share my experiences, the good, bad and ugly. My hope is that this book will provide an insight into what it is like to live with depression, anxiety and bipolar; warts and all through tears and laughter. I'm not expecting it to be comedic, but I hope that it raises a smile alongside any tears it may form.Published February 2015.
All proceeds from the book will be donated to Rethink Mental Illness.
Click here to purchase a copy of the book as a paperback
Or purchase a copy for your kindle from amazon.co.uk
Dandelions and Bad Hair Days
I am one of the authors of this book about depression and how different people live with depression in their lives. The book was compiled and edited by Susie Grogan and is sold to raise awareness and money for the charity Sane. The chapter I wrote is entitled "How does depression look to you?" which takes you through a series of images to illustrate my experiences of depression.______________________________________________________________________________
Miscarriage and Pastoral Care
I am the co-author, with Rev Tina Hodgett of a Grove Pastoral Care book #141 about Miscarriage.
The purpose of this booklet is to consider how churches can best care for and support those women and their partners who experience a miscarriage. To some extent this specific area of pastoral care will form part of the wider package of support a church offers families in the parish or wider community. It will complement a church’s teaching about sex and sexuality, the theology surrounding conception and childbirth, and its approach to questions of suffering and loss.
We will consider how social changes contribute to the way miscarriage affects couples today; the use of terminology, and what women (and couples) say about their experience of miscarriage. We will reflect theologically on the Scriptures and offer some proposals from systematic theologians which may help pastors supporting those suffering pregnancy loss. Finally we offer practical guidance for pastoral carers, including some liturgical resources.
Published March 2015
________________________________________________________________________Future Present
In November 2017, the Church Mission Society hosted their annual Conversations Day in Oxford on the theme of “Future Present.” The idea was simple, to invite speakers to imagine a better world and then suggest how that might be made possible now. Contributors such as Michael Northcott, Cathy Ross, Emma Major and others inspired the gathering with a whole load of imagination and some practical ideas of what we can do next.
The gathering went so well that CMS’s Jonny Baker and Cathy Ross decided the concepts should be put in print-form. Collaborating with online arts label Proost, they set to work creating the Future Present zine which shared these talks in imaginative, visual and creative forms.
Peas, Parties and Poems (working title)
Rachel has been asking me to write poems for kids for well over a year. I write for her all the time, some of which make the blog, most of which don't. If I ever get to a place where I have lots of poems which seem to make a collective then this book might see the light of day. I'm not holding my breath though._________________________________
Mossy Church Inspirations (working title)
I am working on bringing together various mossy church activities which we use at Oakwood Forest Church. From prayers to dramas, poems to creations; this will be a book to inspire you in your garden, at the park, in your church yard or wherever you worship God in His natural cathedral.________________________________________________________________________
A to Z of MS (working title)
A collection of poetry about MS ..... will be sold to raise money for the MS Trust________________________________________________________________________
Anything's Possible (my pioneering journey)
An account of my pioneering ministry with ideas for anyone who would like to try something new in their own community.....________________________________________________________________________
Creative Christmas (working title)
Creative ideas for sharing the christmas story with people of all agesIncludes nativity scripts, poems, stories and crafts
The BIGBible ProjectEmma is a BIGBible Project #Digidisciple, writing articles on the 1st of each month about "seeking God online".
February 2012 http://bigbible.org.uk/2012/02/seeking-god-online-digidisciple-emmauk74/
Getting Your Kids Through Church
Emma went to a GYKTC event and was blown away by the messages she heard and truths she found. She was subsequently asked to write for the organisation, the article is Not all church kids fit the church mould
Britmums Charity Bloggers
Emma is one of the Britmums Charity Bloggers, writing articles on charity issues and raising the profile of charities and campaigns. She was in at the start at the launch of blogging it forward http://www.britmumsblog.com/2012/02/britmums-charity-round-up/
Netmums Blogger
Emma is part of the Netmums Blogger Network; bloggers who are mums are to be found in this network; it truly is the place to be seen. Find them at http://www.netmums.com/bloggers/
Pinterest for Kids Work Ideas
Emma writes about her experience using Pinterest in her ministry and kids work http://www.britmumsblog.com/2012/02/guest-post-pinterest-my-first-port-of-call-for-kids-work-idea/
What Marriage Means to Me
Emma is our first contributor from the UK, as well as the longest-married so far, at 13 years. She tells us about how each chapter of her marriage has brought new lessons about what marriage really means
Where's the fuel gauge?
Emma brings us a very emotional heart-breaking story of her breastfeeding experience today. Get the tissues ready!! http://thismummyloves.blogspot.com/2011/03/wheres-fuel-gauge-by-emma.html
Too Cool for Skool
Guest post by Emma – Reflection on my school days now I’m a mum at the school gate. Has anything really changed? http://www.littlemummy.com/2011/03/15/too-cool-for-skool/
How Does Depression Look to You?
This article was written in April 2011 and is now being published as part of a book on depression.
We hear from Emma, a full-time mum, part-time volunteer, part-time career advisor and a Licensed Lay Minister. She talks of her lifelong issues with depression and post-natal depression and her words will I am sure strike a chord with many of us. http://nowrigglingoutofwriting.wordpress.com/2011/04/05/how-does-depression-look-to-you-emmas-story/
Our little story of baby signing
This was written in 2012 to add to the Collected experiences of parents' speech and language development.
Divine Routes
BackgroundOver the last year I've been working away on an idea to write christian stories for young children. From my initial thoughts and prayers came Divine Routes. The first five stories all flowed onto paper in a few months in the summer of 2010, but I had no way of illustrating the stories so put them on a back burner. A friend read a few for me and provided some great comments and ideas, thanks JP, but still I was held back from taking them forward.
Then in the first week of 2011 I was pushed into getting the books out in the world. I realised that they could be made digitally accessible on Kindle and would not need, or be able to support, illustrations.
Bingo, all I needed was a front cover which could be adapted to each book. And somehow, God given I know, that made it's way onto paper.
What is Divine Routes?
Divine Routes is a series of short books explaining the Christian faith to pre-school and Key Stage 1 children. The series uses buses and their journeys on their bus routes to convey the biblical messages. The text is perfect for being read aloud and also easy to read for first readers.
God is the Bus Controller in the stories, with Jesus the bus conductor. There are six bus routes; red, yellow, green, blue, orange and purple. These routes are illustrations of some of the routes we may take to know God, to get to the divine. Each route's buses are "us" with a “driver” associated; this is the Holy Spirit.
Why re-write the best stories ever told?
Jesus was a great storyteller, he knew exactly how to explain his message to his listeners. He used imagery which they understood and involved situations they lived. This was the power of his parables, the reality of them. Some people believe that they should never be adapted, that they are perfect as they are; and in many ways I agree, but I also know how hard they are to understand without some historical knowledge. Children, especially boys, find it hard to put themselves back 2000 years to a place, time and society they can't possibly imagine; there is a need to bring the parables and Word of God to them in a way they can connect with and be interested in.
There are many books on the shelves of christian bookshops that are rewrites of Biblical stories for kids, almost anything you could ever want is available, especially if you're a girl. There are animals, children and even vegetables as the characters telling the stories. But the market has a huge great gap for boys; especially for boys who like the excitement and speed of cars, trains and planes. DVDs have been made with cars which are quite popular, but many parents of boys have told me they'd like to find bible story books which they could really connect with. That is why I wrote Divine Routes; that and a major shove from God!
The Books
Jump Aboard the Bus - Book 1 of the Divine Routes Series
Jump Aboard the Bus introduces the characters from the Divine Routes series; this story shows how everyone has their own individual spiritual path to God. Each of us has our own route to take, right for us and watched over by God. This story reminds us that God is watching over us, on the end of the radio in prayer whenever we need Him. It reassures us that we do not drive our route alone; we have the Holy Spirit with us to guide us in our lives. The story also assures us that Jesus has travelled the routes before us. Through Jesus’ life God knows our lives, routes and needs.
The Good Samaritan - Book 2 of the Divine Routes Series
The Good Samaritan tells the story of the red bus Rebecca and what happened when she broke down one day on her route. Her other red bus friends didn't stop to help her and she was afraid, but a bus from another route did stop and surprised Rebecca by helping her. This is a retelling of the story of The Good Samaritan as told by Jesus to a lawyer. Jesus told the story to help the lawyer understand what it means to "love your neighbour". You will find the actual story, a parable, in Luke 10:25-37.
The Lost Sheep - Book 3 of the Divine Routes Series
The Lost Sheep tells the story of an ordinary Tuesday in Divine. The Bus Controller waved all the buses off on their routes and then welcomed them all back in at the end of the day. But something is wrong. There’s one bus missing. Who hasn’t come home? The Bus Controller goes searching for the missing bus. This is the story of the lost sheep as told by Jesus about how we are all important to God. The parable of The Lost Sheep is in two books of the bible. In the gospel of Matthew at Matthew 18:12-14. And in the gospel of Luke at Luke 15:3-7.
The Prodigal Son - Book 4 of the Divine Routes Series
The Prodigal Son tells the story of the bus who doesn’t want to drive his route any more and decides to leave the bus station. The Bus Controller understands but the other buses are upset and angry. After a few days the bus who left the station decides he wants to come back. Will the buses and the Bus Controller accept him back? This is the parable of the Prodigal Son. Jesus told this story to help his disciples understand how God forgives all of us who say we are sorry. The parable shows that even if we leave God and stop talking to Him, God is just waiting to welcome us back. You can find it in your Bible in the Gospel of Luke at Luke 15:11-32.
The Sower - Book 5 of the Divine Routes Series
The Sower tells the story of the day the Bus Controller set a challenge for all the buses to take a group of children on a journey out of town. Some got lost, some ran out of fuel, some got too tired and had to give up. Only six of the buses managed to complete the challenge and win time with the Bus Controller. This is the parable of the Sower. Jesus told this story about a farmer throwing seeds which did not always grow into good plants. The story tells us how it is important that we read our bible, listen to our teachers and pray with Jesus to allow God to tell us how to live. You can find the parable in your Bible in the gospel of Matthew at Matthew 13:1-23.