Sunday, 8 September 2019

Outside the mind

I'm not sure when I wrote this, but it is worth sharing...

I bet you've never heard
Of this thing called FND
A disruption in the brain
On that everyone agrees
The wirings gone awry
Though no one's quite sure why

Neuro signals crazy
Some stop, others stay on
My eyes see, but brain is blind
Nerves don't feel, but brain feels pain
Legs can move, but brain just won't
Intellect is there, but brain is slain

A few therapy's exist
But I'd tried every on the list
And all of them agreed
Nowt to do, I was dismissed
A search began online
How do I live, not just cope?

There are Thousands
Just like me
Suffering each day
Most invisibly
Determined to improve
How life will be

Now I know the key
I must balance energy
Enjoy all that I can be
Must try to think positively
And keep remembering
I'm still me!

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