Thursday 17 September 2020

August Catch up. Dear Blog, Sorry for Neglecting you AGAIN

Life has been too busy and uploading my poetry, artwork, photos and thoughts to my blog has slipped.  Instead of getting things up one by one I'm going to group things together by date. Enjoy

August 2020 Holiday Poetry

Never have storm clouds
Filled me with such excitement
It's raining at last!!!
I hear the thunder
I feel the wind increasing
Tropical storm joy
Five days far too hot
Relief as temperatures
Drop to bearable

Never have I written so much about the weather.
Cleansing rain
Explodes from the sky
Without warning
Relieving lazy day blues
What a novel awakening
Caressing sun shine heat
With simple windy pleasures
And lightly swaying branches
Hot tropical breath
No longer creates embers
Of metallic members
Heartbreaking humidity
No longer creates illusions
Distorting busy beaches
Refreshing sangria
Now a choice, not essential
But wait!  My angel hopes
In trust are broken
The heat has cheated
Cutting summer peril
You immortal devil
Bringing exhaustion and pain
Wishing suffering to continue
Please bring more cool rain
Dear weather; you promised
There's no take back
I beg of you, reconsider
Change your act
Lighten the weight you apply
By a few degrees
At night, if nothing else
Just a little relief, please?


Stranded on an Island
Shivering in the heat
Coconut scent heavy in the air
Canvas shoes upon my feet
Bare beaches stretch onwards
Golden in moonlit haze
Grass rustles almost silently
"He'll forget you in ten days"
Prisms under water
Tempt my toes to tread
Ocean breeze and rain showers
Cool my sweaty head
Should I just keep swimming
Harvest hope in thunderstorm
I dream of serendipity
Iridescent mermaids form
Possibilities are thinning
Soft sheets of doubt surround
Reflections in my final days
Take me home without a sound
There's something magical about losing myself in story poems like this.  I've made up stories in my head for as long as I can remember, and loved making up stories and songs for Rachel when she was younger.  It somehow feels silly to do this now, but hey, it gives me joy and perhaps someone will enjoy reading it.

Dreaming of beach days
Sandcastles, shell collecting
Warm in the sun's rays
I know what you're thinking, you're at the beach!! And yes, we are in fish spitting distance of the beach, but it's either been scorching hot or a bit wet for the beach.  
Plus the beach we love most for wheelchair access - Avon beach - has been too busy to achieve the Social Distancing I need as a clinically extremely vulnerable person.  We've had a lovely break so I'm not complaining, but I   thought on our last day I'd draw the Sandcastle we "might" have made.


A reflection on social distancing or lack of it...
Being honest... 
Lots of poetry has been written but it hasn't really helped me feel better in what's been a hard couple of days.  
Social distancing is almost non existent everywhere we try and go.  Masks are barely being worn. People are mixing with lots of other people and hugging and sharing cars etc etc etc.
And yes, I know that everyone is allowed to make their own decisions, but it's just hard to be out in the world when so many people aren't taking care of themselves in order to take care of others.  I think I'd rather just stay inside.  
In fact, more than other people's actions, I don't actually begrudge them their decisions, I just wish I could be the same.... What's mostly bringing me down is the thought that I've changed.  I actively want to avoid people and stay home.  And that's not me, and it feels like I've lost myself.
I don't know if that makes sense, but it feels good to type it out.  Thanks for listening.


What helps you relax?  For me it's creativity, prayer, mindfulness, music, time with family and friends and wheelwalks in nature.

Make time to chill out
What helps you fully relax?
Do a bit of that!


Changing perspective
Towering dandelions
Flurrys of seed snow

Miniature forest
Crickets hiding daisy chains
Ants joyful playground

Giants approaching
Seismometer off the scale
Extinction event

Run quickly and hide
Deep in underground bunkers
Live another day

This is a poem I've written for a contest, four linked haiku taking inspiration from the video of a quiet lawn of daisies and dandelions.  Since lockdown I've been amazed by the beauty of the tiny, the playground of the smallest creatures, it was fun to write about them.  In fact if there was a fifth and final haiku it would be...

Amazing nature
Beautiful tiny playground 
Invisible joy


18th August reflection

It's been a really busy day, in fact it's been two really full on days, but in a good way.  There's been lots of thinking, praying and learning; and the first thing that emerges is that I'm so much happier when I'm busier.  And that's not just about being busy for busy sake, but about feeling purposeful.  
I found the last two days of our holiday really challenging because I didn't have enough to occupy my mind.  I felt aimless which led to the rabbit hole of anxiety which is so inflated with covid19.
I then came back home and felt anxious about not being needed and not knowing what the future holds etc etc.  But I reached out to friends and colleagues and they helped me change my perspective.
That's the link to this image - it's something I doodled as a mosaic design and then rotated and rotated and rotated.  It's amazing how different it looks from the varying angles and distances.  And so it is with everything in life, changing viewpoints and distance can bring another aspect into focus.
So tonight I go to bed feeling more together, more ok with myself, more relaxed and more tired so hopefully I'll sleep well.
 I'm sure my mood will change again as quickly as ever in these pandemic days, but with tools in place to help me I'm hanging on in there.  I hope you are as well.
Night all


Rainbow petals swirl
Celebrating summer breeze
Surfed by butterflies

Being formed daily
Never stop learning new skills
Every day school day

Undulating moods
Changing with our weather
Keeps us on our toes

One day quite upbeat
Silver linings easy found
Clarity of thought

Next day stormy clouds
Heavily pressurised
Self care important


I took a doodle from earlier this week and used it as the centre of a new digital creation today.  I was enjoying the process of drawing squares and rectangles and then the way they were interesting intrigued me and this poem emerged.  I hope you have someone like this in your life.  I'm lucky enough to have a few of these special people in mine.

Who knows you fully
Who is allowed to see your absolute truth
Who shows you their truth?
Value that soul!
Who intersects without dissection
Who is close enough to feel your pain
Yet never breathes a word?
Cherish their heart!
Who can be called any time
Who connects immediately
Even after months without conversations?
Call that friend!


My friend Kathryn Fleming shared these photos yesterday and they really spoke to me about the still small voice of God saying what I need to hear.   I woke up in the middle of the night with these Haiku emerging and they were clearly related to the photos.  God has clearly been working through these photos in helping me connect with the message.  

Trust me when I say
You need to make time to rest
Be still and connect

Stop comparisons
Accept you are where you're meant to be
Right here right now

Follow your own path
Trust in the way you are lead
Enjoy the journey

Take time to reflect
See the true you others see
I made you to be

Be still and be you
Love you not for what you do
But for who you are


You haven't won
This game of life
But then no one does
All we can do is survive
Just hold my hand
Hold on tight
We'll enjoy the ride
Strolling down garden paths
We'll reminisce about
Splendid satin sunsets
Reflected in glowing hearts
We'll chill all evening
Under cozy blankets
After warm summer days
Made for dreaming
Dragonflies will visit
Ancient ruins bringing
Hope of seventh heaven
From distant shores
Fears of crying in shadows
Pop sun rays
Time stands still
Just because
Neptune rises
Her bitter canvas clear
Blooming hot and bright
Dancing without fear
Feast on these memories
Allow time to freeze
As expectations melt


I was thinking about the wild forest fires in California and friends who are too close to comfort.  This series of haiku emerged from that thought.
Wild fires burn
Gold filigree designs
On starry nights
Heartstrings like tightrope 
Forest safety overturned
Steep slope to be climbed
Smiling at your face
As you emerge from battle
Fear now relieved
Lottery; I've won
To speak to you once again
Your face stained with ash
Past regrets calmed
Anxiety haihtua
Bird song resumes
Light years of worry
Covered by volunteering
With those needing help
Your hug envelopes
Binds up my painful edges
Peace descends again


Don't pierce my peace
With your spikey behaviour
Can we co-exist?


Can you guess which came first? The poem or the drawing?
A statue of chaos
Captured in cards
Folded comedically badly
Our hearts were in shards
Our fierce love tamed
A roar now a squeak 
Lost souls of love cry
The abyss you did seek
Follow liquid moonbeams
Longest at the solstice
Curiouser love memories
Repeat previous promises
Glance beyond raindrops
Soothe your lonely eyes
Entertain the request
Banish stormy skies
Beneath serene lakes
Reflecting stained glass
Star sponges of hope
Heal regrets of the past
We're strangers once more
Our hearts widely scattered
Many years of wandering
Did those days ever matter?
Sun's sultry shadows
Show your wish to see
My evenings bring peace
I know truth about me


Two poems about trees as I head to bed.  
Peaceful swirly tree
Growing so effortlessly
Simply rest and be
Does a tree worry about how it looks
Does it compare itself to the rest of the wood
No, a tree is a tree, effortlessly
It doesn't worry about what you see
Does it dig down deep for extra water
Or reach out for sun further and further
Yes, but not in competition
It's all a natural reaction
We could learn a lot about how to be
If we stopped and spent time with the trees


What do you see when you look at this gorgeous painting my Isabelle Maheux?  It was painted for the prompt "disappearing"
I'm guessing you might not think the haiku I've written relates to the image.   Let me explain...
I'm visually impaired so I see things quite differently.  My first sight of this was that it was a black mess being approached by a heart.
Can you see that? 
It made me think of how I can feel like I'm disappearing into a black fog when I'm depressed or anxious, how scary that feels and how the love of others brings me back from the edge.  
Can you see that now?
I can now see what the picture actually is, a lady with red lips wearing a big black hat that she's disappearing underneath.  But isn't it interesting how creativity in all its forms can speak to us differently.
I'm disappearing
As darkest clouds envelope
Love finds me again


A piece of mindful art and a poem about the reality right now.
At the beach it almost seems... Normal
People laughing happily
Kids playing freely
Ice creams melting quickly
The sense of relief is... immense
No more tension
Enjoying relaxation
Fear on suspension
For just a short while... Breathe
Soon reality will hit
Face masks and antibac
Must not share a snack
We're living through a... Pandemic
Normal reinvented
Risks documented
Life reorientated


Time away = time to create


I love this photo over mudeford quay.  It didn't seem stormy when we were there, though the storm was approaching.  Somehow the photo captured the essence of the moment - the sun on the water, the people enjoying relaxing and the storm slowly approaching.  No one was panicking about the building clouds or the way the wind was increasing, everyone was just making the most of the moment.  It's so easy to forget to enjoy the here and now and yet it's the best way to find peace.



One of my favourite poetry prompters suggested writing about a childhood memory.  This is the poem I wrote.
I also used a new technique of mindful drawing to illustrate it - lots of slowly drawn xxx to build up pictures.
There was this place 
I loved as a child
A place of escape
A den in the wild
Down beyond the lawn
Behind the veg patch
This big old bush
A place to detach
Within this den
The rules were different
Magic took charge
Life was magnificent
Mud pies were made
And some were eaten
Dreams were voiced
Ideas were sweetened
Hidden away
Safe from view
Stories emerged
Adventures grew
This den had a door
Right out the back
Into another land
Let me unpack
Another garden
Tempted us warmly
A rocket ship
Awaited our journey
This massive tree
In its perfect place
Needed a pilot
But we had to race
If we could run
Get there in time
We'd have lift off
Away we'd climb
Many planets
We'd travel between
Then return safely
Not tell that we'd been
Top secret tasks
Our space adventures
Unless we got caught
By those neighbours
Then we'd return
Safe to our den
Making plans
To try it again


Next year. Next month
Next week.  Tomorrow
Times in the future
Could be laced with sorrow
Or they could bring joy
And opportunity
But right now it's all
A bit too much for me
I need to focus on today
In the present I must stay
That's the only useful way
To keep anxiety at bay

One day at a time has never been quite so important and I'm thankful that God is with me in the day every day.


Everyone wants
A return to normal
But most don't realise
That's impossible
Every single day
Things change a bit
That's accelerated
In times of pandemic
The best we can hope
Is a simple adjustment
A new situation
That brings contentment
But until then
We need to be sensible
Look after the weakest
No one's dispensible
So let's all stop
Applying sutures
Let's start planning
For our better futures


No one's innocent
Everyone makes their mistakes
Why so much judgement?
Whispers in the dark
Scent of innocence surrounds
Mind your glass houses
We are evolving
Last century's shameful deeds
Now a darker stain
Bronze statues abound
Celebrate life of reapers
We should tear them down
History written
By the rich and powerful
We should find the truth
Young boys become men
Let's teach them to accept all
Create better days
Develop self worth
Ensure girls know their value
Create confidence
Crystal waves shatter
Everyone is delicate
Teach true acceptance
Breathe before judging
Forgive all creatively
No one's innocent


So many cables
Frayed at the edges
Risk of short circuits
Tension electric
How are you feeling today?
On edge?
Fraying mood?
Drawing these cables was very relaxing and surprisingly easy.  Now I'm feeling less frayed at the edges.


Start right where you are
Do what feels possible
Build it up from there
That's the story of this picture.  This is an hour and a half of mindful drawing this morning.  I started with the circle of petals and then moved to drawing some crazy paving.  I then drew the left hand "edge" before expanding that into the crazy plant at the bottom left.  I drew some more crazy paving, because it's so relaxing, before expanding the petals and then drawing the fronds at the bottom.  
I was focused only on what I was drawing, not on the finished product, not on evaluating how it was going, not on whether anyone would like it.  The fact that I like what I've created is great, but it's secondary to the benefits of drawing in this way for my mental health.


Let your mind float free
Let go of anxiety
Drawing mindfully

Mindfully drawing
Resting in peacefulness
Riding calm waves 


Beauty in nature
Anxiety's antidote
Blessings all around


Silent photographs capture
Summer hopes 
Symphonic musings
Share sacred assumptions
With sinking hearts
Sugar coated lies
Deliver nightmare missions
Lightning love
Ashes and smoke
Hide white truths
As bottled emotions
Soar on the wing
Watery waves reflect
Starry wildernesses
Waiting to trust
Thundering passion
Cotton candy memories
Kill mindful aims
Though holiday hands
Enfold blue fears
Kindly footsteps
Accompany songbirds
Beneath serene magnolia
Sweetening tomorrow


Where sea and sky meet
Shimmering in summer sun
Future dreams exist
Perfect blue stillness
White clouds float away stresses
Waves surf in peace
Taking to the wing
Enjoying seaside blessings
Summer relaxing


Goodbye my summer friend
Thank you for your hopeful company
You will be missed as autumn beckons
You have comforted us in our uncertainty
Your bright mornings have lifted heavy thoughts
Your lazy afternoons relaxed clenched fists
Your warm evenings have bathed our aching minds
Your long shadows cooled our fearful hearts
Yet beyond these memories
Is nature's intangible magic
By connecting with creation
We calm our future panic
And so, as we wave goodbye
In bright firefly light we reflect
On seasons' eternal parading 
The inevitable butterfly effect

Sublime summer evenings
Under deep red sunsets
Mend broken hearts
Everyone breathes deeper
Relaxing without fear
Tumbling through memories
May autumn bring similar
Evenings. Hopefully!

I sit a while, lingering
Knowing I should rush back in
Yet unable to resist the
Sunset, vast and golden.
Final rays glint and gleam
Mesmerising beneath
Clouds, reflecting a sunny
Summer evening Sky.
Life, what is it but a dream?


Forget the guidance
Protect the economy
Do not question me
Lined up as ordered
Protect the economy
Thought is history
Suspend all thinking
Protect the economy
We are history


A note of thanks
For summer's hope
Before warm days vanish
And longer days elope
Throughout these weeks
Of warmth and wonder
We've spread lockdown wings
That little further
We walked away
From stress and strain
Found external life
Beyond anxious brains
Though summer's end
Might make us sad
The memories linger
They'll make us glad
Despite the fear
Of what might be
We carefully embraced 
This opportunity
To walk a while
Give chance a shot
Enjoy the outside
And play a lot
After warm applause
Of summers beauty
We drive back home
To our new reality
As autumn's doorstep
Cooly beckons
We pause and bask in
Final summer seconds

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