Monday, 21 September 2020

Broken Wrist; a story of pain and hope and miracles

 Telephone call this afternoon

Them: Is that Emma?
Me: Yes
Then: Do you have a broken wrist you've ignored?
Me: Yes and no
Them: Why haven't you bothered to get it set?
Me: I didn't know it was broken.
Them: You will have messed it up now. I have heard you're just wearing a splint you got from the internet.
Me: yes, that's the only option I had. I was told to splint it but no one had one to offer me and no one has ever looked at the wrist.
Them: you should have insisted!
Me: Wait a minute. I got an x-ray and no one told me it was broken, then I decided to check all was ok and was told they'd forgotten to tell me it was broken, then I spoke to a panicked hand surgeon who said it was too late to cast it and I needed an MRI, then he forgot to write that up or order the MRI and went on leave for 3 weeks.....
Them: oh, sorry. You need an urgent appointment to get it seen
Me: thanks, I've been ringing various people for 2 weeks saying this
Them: good, you can come on Thursday morning
Me: 8 weeks wait is better than never I guess. Thanks
Exciting times indeed!

Fracture clinic fun.

Two months after we think I broke my wrist Dr I saw thinks it's "not quite right". On the other hand he said both my other wrist and ankles are all weirdly flexible; well yes, I'm pretty mobile in my joints. So plan is to get CT scan first thing tomorrow and see hand surgeon straight after.

Scan done and hand surgeon seen. He was thrilled to give me the news that my wrist has healed "miraculously" quickly and in the perfect position.
Just need hand therapy now to regain strength.

I can't believe it. On the other hand, God has always had me safe through every trouble.

Notice Miracles

Do you believe in miracles?
Do you believe the miraculous is even possible?
Do you pray for miracles?
Do you look for the unexplainable?

I honestly don't know what I think about miracles. Until a few years ago I would have definitely said I don't believe in miracles but I've seen all sorts of things to happen to myself and others which has changed my thinking a bit.

There are things I'm sure about; I don't believe that those who believe hardest will be healed or that some people deserve miracles and others don't. I believe miracles of healing are often achieved through the work of doctors, nurses and scientists; after all why would the amazing work of the caring and healing professions not be miraculous.

I also believe that many of us are healed in ways we need but not necessarily how we expect. I've shared before about the healing of acceptance of my disability that I've been given by God and how much is a blessing that has been.

Why am I talking about miracles?
Well because today i went to have my broken wrist assessed worrying that it was not healing well and I might well need an operation.
What the CT scan actually showed was that the broken wrist has healed itself, perfectly, in less than half the expected time scale, without any medical intervention at all. As the hand surgeon said, it's miraculous. And it is, it is a healing not to be expected and a healing for which I'm hugely thankful. God has been getting me through every storm year after year and keeps surprising me with his blessings.

So, I wonder, how do we notice the miracles in the world? How do we spot the miraculous? How do we celebrate God at work all around us?

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