Friday 1 January 2016

Dietary changes to improve my MS symptoms

In addition to taking supplements I'm going to make dietary and lifestyle changes to help reduce my MS symptoms and progression.

2. Dietary changes:
I am going to make dietary changes in six phases over six months, because I honestly don't think I'd manage it all at once. These dietary changes are based on research gathered together and tried out by Kim at The MS Diet for Women.  I'm going for changes which are entirely possible bit by bit and which I can monitor the effects of to determine what my own triggers are.

Phase one: January 2016
- Stop drinking fizzy drinks
- Drink at least 2 litres of water each day
- Drink one glass of cranberry juice each day
- Drink a fruit smoothy every day made with coconut milk and 3 portions of fruit
- Eat at least another 3 portions of fruit every day
- Eat 3 cups of green vegetables every day
- Eat 3 cups of bright colour vegetables each day
- Eat 1 cup of white vegetables each day
- Eat oily fish twice a week eg salmon - Omega 3
- Go vegetarian twice a week
- Eat chicken on other days
- Keep a complete record of food and drink and MS symptoms over the month to try and identify any triggers

Phase two: February 2016
- Remove aspartame and replace with Stevia where necessary

Phase three: March 2016
- Stop eating dairy

Phase four: April 2016
- Stop eating gluten and wheat

Phase five: May 2016
- Stop eating saturated fats except lean poultry

Phase six: June 2016
- Stop eating heated fats
- Stop eating refined sugar

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