I have got very into knitting, have become a crazy knitter. I haven't found anything quite so relaxing in a very long time. Of course my infamous addictive personality means that I've ceased on those knitting needles with avengeance.
I learned how to knit a mere one month ago, and have so far knitted over a dozen items including a few small prayer cushions. I'm not sure where the idea came from for these, I just saw a rectangle of knitting and thought I could make a little cushion (literally only 2 inches square that time) and then wondered if I could sew a cross onto the front.
Rachel was blown away by that first one and comandeered it. She then said I should make one for the lady opposite and pray for her to get better when I was knitting. So I did. And it strikes me that it is a lovely thing to make for someone, a small cushion they can use to focus their prayers on and also an item which has been made with prayers said whilst knitting.
So today I have decided I might as well open my new idea to the world, and have offered individually made prayer cushions for people to buy.
I don't think I'll be getting rich anytime soon, but at least I will cover my costs and perhaps spread some joy and prayers at the same time.
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