Monday 7 November 2011

What happened at licensing

I have been trying to get into words what happened inside me at licensing; what changed, what occurred, what caused all the tears; but words are failing to provide me with anything other than
- affirming
- emotional
- spirit filled

However whilst looking for some art ideas for upcoming People, Prayers and Potatoes sessions I've found three images which speak perfectly

1. The Journey

It felt like I had rounded a corner of the winding path (snake) of my journey with Christ, a corner which allowed me to see the cross in all it's meaning and truth.

2. Open to the Spirit

I felt opened up; ready to receive and live within the spirit entirely.  No longer relying on myself, but instead trusting in the Lord and His way for me.

3. Face to Face

I came face to face with my faith and ministry, literally face to face with God.  This is what overwhelmed me, the truth and immenseness of it all.


Battersea Boy said...

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. As you embark on the next stage, in your new role as a Licensed Lay Minister, I am sure you will continue to be stretched as the Lord God continues the work he has begun in you.

May God continue to bless you and those you love.

merry said...

Congratulations, Emma. Love the images you've chosen!