Monday 5 March 2012

#cyblessings 5th March 2012

Today we move into week 3 of lent and this week Christian Aid has us looking at sustainability and how we care for creation.

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates that
70% of natural disasters affecting the world today are climate related.

Over the weekend we were thinking about climate change and the way it effects parts of the world we never hear about.  However we are regularly hearing about Tsunamis and hurricanes and floods which always strike the poorest of communities in the countries least able to cope. And now we hear that 70% of these are directly due to climate change, which our western lifestyles are responsible for in no small part.

I feel shame about this, shame that I didn't know this and shame that my laziness in not switching a light off or not walking everywhere I could is making the situation for the poorest worse.  If there is anything that will make me make a change or ten, this is it.

Christian Aid are asking us to give 20p if you are not currently with a green energy supplier, like Ecotricity. We are not with a green energy supplier, we haven't really even thought about it.  So today I commit to looking at green energy suppliers and will donate my 20p.

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