Til I leave our home behind
It's definitely too late to say no
No matter what excuses I might find
My friends are all rallying around
With playdates and support for Rach
Opportunities and help abound
Even if Mike's journey gets made late
The family will of course be fine
It'll be great for Rachel and Mike
But I'm still walking that fine line
Between joy and worry for my tike
I am equal parts excitement and sadness
Looking forward to the trip and all that it'll be
But dreading the leaving and causing distress
To God I hand all these feelings, be with them and me.
In God's hands is the only place to leave your worries and concerns. Good 'F' post on Friends, Family, and Feelings.
Fiddle Faddle!
sounds like you're moving? Hope you do well in your new home, make new friends and have your family visit. {:-Deb
What a sweet expression of what is going on in your life..well done. Whether it's a move, traveling, ministry commitment I wish you well and yes Family % Friends are a beautiful blessing in my life too
Moving is a exciting, scary adventure. Moving with kids - more so. You worry that they will make a smooth transition. Is sounds like your little famimly can face any challenges in the weeks ahead. Good luck in your new home.
Oh my.
What poignant writing.
Change is so hard...no matter if it's for the best...or if it's something you have to do.
Wishing you luck and peace as you begin this next journey.
Thank you for sharing your heart here.
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