I have been asked to write this for International Women's Day (8th March 2011). Those of you who read my blog will have seen quite a few posts on miscarriage before; it is an important subject, one I've been through, one I help others through, one I wish was better understood and supported by society. So today, a day when we focus on issues that are important to women, let us think about the issue of baby loss which so many women experience.
Here is mine.
I have suffered four miscarriages in first and second trimesters, the loss of these babies was the most traumatic experiences of my life and have shaped the life I now lead. I see each and every birth as a miracle now, how could it be anything else when for so many pregnancies birth is not guaranteed. I value human life above all else. I thank God for each successful healthy birth.
I also attempt to raise awareness of miscarriage and still birth where-ever I can. If even one woman knows where to turn if she suffers a miscarriage then some good has been done. I have been amazed how many women I know have had at least one miscarriage, it's unbelievably common and it stays with women for life. Before I had my miscarriages I knew NO-ONE who had been through it; it is such a quiet issue that it feels even more lonely when you're going through it. I hope that in my lifetime women will be more aware, not scared by the risk, but aware of who can help if it happens.
I am a telephone support for the Miscarriage Association and run an annual Service of Remembrance for the Babyloss awareness week. I also try to get into ante-natal clinics, obstetricians, sonography departments and midwife practices to bring the charitable support available for women to their attention. Leaflets are provided free by charities if only hospitals would stock them.
There are a number of charities which support families who will not see their children grow up. Three which I will draw your attention to are the Miscarriage Association, baby loss awareness campaign and SANDS. If you have suffered a miscarriage or still birth then please feel free to contact these charities for support; and please, be open about your experience with your family and friends, you're sharing could be a support to someone else in the future.
If you would like to read my other posts on the subject they are here:
Thanks for the follow I am now following you back. This is a great campagin but I would like to say I believe you should add ectopic pregnancy's to it also. Some people like myself have had an ectopic pregnancy and didn't know for many weeks. And I believe it is also a loss!
Giving you a follow back. Thank you for stopping by from the hop. I can not even begin to imagine the pain from 4 miscarriages. Bless you.
Living at the Whitehead's Zoo and Whitehead's Monthly Menu
Thank you so much for adding this post to my Sharing Hope linky and for sharing awareness and hope.
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