Thursday 11 June 2020

Simply breathe

Shout it from the rooftops
Rearranged constellations
Unconcerning when
Greater fireworks are
Going off inside my mind
Listen when I tell you, then
I breathe freer
No fear or embarrassment
Give me that blessing

Stolen mindfulness
Heavy heartedness
Are bumblebees stealing
Ripe secrets of bliss?
I'm feeling: Ca va
Natural truth to be heard
Given in whispers not tears

Hummingbird anxiety
Ever darkening shadows
A bear wakes early bemused
Life of uncertainty
Is karma confused?
No reason do I find
God why do I feel so abused?

Help is a journey
Over mountains and valleys
Protective umbrellas
Enveloped with
Less frightening
No choices demanding
Energy expending
Simply breathe....

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