Sunday 28 June 2020

What do you hope for?

Hope: what do you hope for?

More understanding and support across society - black lives matter needs to be addressed and equality achieved.

Eradication of haves and have nots - universal income has huge potential for improving the lives of the poorest and increasing everyone's self worth

Mental health support needs to be increased - trauma and anxiety are likely to be a bigger issue than ever across society. Depression will increase as the economy slumps further.

My hope is that if these three aspects of society are improved then there will be less vulnerable people upon whom extremist organisations can prey, there won't be anyone to be radicalised into terrorism.

I guess these can be brought together into one big hope that everyone would know their value and know that they are loved for being exactly who they are. Not for what they do or what they achieve or what they have, but for what they are - a wonderful and lovable person.

That is what God reminds me everyday - that He loves me for being me and needs me to love others for being them. Simple.

On a more practical note.....This week I'm hoping it's not as hot as they're threatening

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