Tuesday 22 February 2011

Prayers for the new Zealand and the world

I am shocked this morning to see the news of a large earthquake hitting Christchurch, New Zealand. Today let us include this city and all it's people in our prayers.

Lord we bring before you those suffering in Christchurch today, we ask that your arms surround them in love and healing. Amen.

Seeing the destruction of the beautiful city and especially the cathedral has rocked me. It seems that the natural world is on a rampage at the moment; earthquakes, floods, hurricanes. And then there's the human world in turmoil in the middle east. I could just watch BBC news 24-7 and pray endlessly for the needs in the world.

Father we see suffering across the world, we know you share in our anguish and grief, may you continue to be a comfort for all those in need. Amen

And yet today we see the miracles:
- the conference of doctors and the naval ships in the harbour in Christchurch, ready to help.
- the activists demanding and obtaining peace, stability and equality in the middle east
- the care and love of all in the world for those separated by distance but not love

Jesus we thank you for your presence in the world; for the courage you showed us and which we draw from, for the compassion you gave and which we mirror, for the concern for the injured and oppressed which we continue. Amen

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