Monday 23 January 2012

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Day Six

Here are the questions posed by CTBI for Day Six of the week of prayer for christian unity, the subject is loving.

1. Love can be life-changing; how much love have you to give?
It's not limited. You know this absolutely when you have a child, you find love and more love and it keeps growing.

2. Have you missed opportunities to show love to your neighbour?
Yes, when my own life has been full or overwhelming burdened I just couldn't give anything more. It's a regret, yet sometimes you need to ensure your own love bank is full before you try to share it.

3. Have you refused to let others come close enough to love you?
Yes and it hurts more; now I let my heart be open. To be loved is to be known and accepted; that's so hard for many of us to accept but it's healing if we do.

You, our God, are perfect love; perfect in our hearts that same love so that we may be drawn into that peace and unity which is your desire for us all. God, in your love, teach us how to love. Yes, Lord, your will be done. Amen.

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