Monday 2 July 2012

Rock the Boat a bit.

We are called by God to love people, to be of the world, to be active in God's church. We are called to rock the boat; to the point that the waters of the Holy Spirit are crashing the wood of the boat and shape it into that wanted by God. Move out of your comfort zone, to places that may be odd but are likely to be oddly refreshing.

Jesus walked on the streets where he was needed; he was directly involved with the people; he spoke plainly; he healed. To be a disciple of Jesus is to do the same; being real in the world and meeting people where they are. Sometimes we worry about this, but God will lead us and direct us and protect us. Following Jesus means allowing God to direct you, and trusting Him entirely.

These are some more of my thoughts on the sermon at the Ordination of Deacons service at Christchurch Cathedral Oxford on 30th June 2012.

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