Monday 21 September 2020

In twilight hours the moon fell


Another long poem drawing on nature's imagery to talk about anxiety. The poem sparked the idea for the mindful drawing which, together with writing, eased the anxiety.
In twilight hours the moon fell
Bathing towers orange
Silence rode up inlets
Shattering secret problems
Midnight howls woke slumber
As warmth rose underground
Stripes of light warned clearly
Geology movement found
Panic rising upwards
Spots floating in front of eyes
Flowers bright from Mexico
Anxiety's cunning disguise
Snowdrops flattened sadly
Forget me nots forlorn
Rain drenching changes
Syllabus of new norm
Cloudy days bring healing
Land noticeably heals
Fingernails stop bleeding
Air radiates with squeals
Please tell me how you feel
Don't zigzag round the facts
Now heartbreak is close
The trees begin to crack
Water, fire and fear
Eruptions have begun
Is now the time to panic
Has reality come undone?
Transition on the brink!
White fog the gentlest force
No severed sorrow vaccine
Humanity knocked off course
Typewriter in the brain
Losing filters of regret
Waterfalls of blessing
Heal hydrophobic threat
Daisy fields tempt angels
Beauty in fragility
Green trees comfort all to
Share souls completely

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