Thursday 17 September 2020

What happens to the brain when anxiety is high?


What happens to the brain

When anxiety is high?

Adrenalin starts flowing

Will you fight or fly?

Your brain sends messages

Right around your body

Get the heart pumping

Ensure muscles are all ready

Every little movement

Sound, taste or touch

Needs evaluating

It might be a massive risk

Your life is in danger

A lion's on the prowl

This is survival instinct

Don't want to fall fowl

The trouble in pandemic

Is the risk is less intense

It's not behind the door

Or just over the fence

We are feeling anxious

For weeks and months on end

Our poor brains are exhausted

New signals we must send

Find time for relaxation

Meditate or pray

Mindfulness works wonders

Try it once or twice a day

Let your brain know

The risks are now reduced

Your heart rate can lower

Less adrenalin be produced

Be kind to yourself

Find activities diverting

Your brain will soon adjust

To new ways of working

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